I write like
Cory Doctorow

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I know I'm better than . .

A guilty pleasure of mine for the last few summers (and there are sooooo many), "Last Comic Standing" , like most every other reality-competition show, has tried to develop it's own signature phrase to be used at the denouement.

The best know "signature phrase" comes from "Survivor": "The Tribe has spoken".

"Last Comic Standing" uses the phrase "I know I am funnier than . ." when the comedians challenge each other to an elimination stand-up performance at the end of the episode. (btw, the comedian's name uttered most often is first into the elimination and can choose their competition from the other comedians mentioned)

I had this phrase in mind when I read this Wall Street Journal interview (which I found from viewing RawStory) today.  No matter how bad my own unemployment situation becomes, I know I am better than this guy.  I'm usually the first to empathize or, at least, sympathize with someone's misfortune.

Nuh-uh.  No way.  Not gonna happen.  No freakin' way.  He's reaping what he's sown.  Too damn bad!

What a way to wrap up the year.

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