I write like
Cory Doctorow

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Now that the paint has dried

and I'm connected to the Internet again, I've got some catching up to do.

Well, that's not entirely true.  I've been to the Mudflats (she is having  way too much fun lately; however, it seems entirely too overdue for her.  BTW, she just posted an update on the goings on in Eagle, AK.  If you contributed, have a look at how your and others have done to help)   

I've even visited the General.  There's a lovely two minute clip recently posted which nicely meshes the nutty world of fundamentalist . . uh . . Christianity (?), no-neck knuckleheads and homoeroticism.  I only wish I were that clever.

Maybe these photos from Friday on Hollywood Boulevard will help get me back in the blogosphere loop:
I knew that this pas
t Friday morning when the Brüno premiere magic had been packed away (well, almost.  The Brüno carpets had been rolled and the last of them hauled up on onto a flatbed truck parallel parked on the Boulevard by the time I got there Friday morning), a whole new spectacle was going to begin.  Folks were already snapping photos, blogging, standing guard, standin
g around, etc., This was as close as I was able to get all day to Michael Jackson's star on the Walk of Fame and, if you watched any of the coverage on the TV on Friday or yesterday or today, you'd see why.

Plenty of news vans parked on the Boulevard as well.

For the second day in a row, though, the ever evolving, tender and sweet tribute to Farrah Fawcett still draws me in.  If you look a little closer, you may even see me trying to snap the photo below.

As I type, I've got 13 hours left before I make another 25 mile trip to Hollywood Boulevard.  I've had Michael's music playing off and on in my car throughout the weekend.  I was surprised at how many of the lyrics I remembered and, in spite of my age, how easy it was to find the higher notes and try to sing along.

As a dancer, I make a fantastic photographer, so I kept to the singing and tapping along to the beat on my steering wheel.

I'm not sure exactly what I'll see Monday morning on the Boulevard, or even during the rest of the coming week.  No guarantees on the photos, though I may never take a great photo if I never press "Capture" on my cell phone.

Meanwhile, I heard this song for the first time this weekend:

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