I write like
Cory Doctorow

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obama, Obama and Obama

As I type, I am watching the third of three press conferences in a row given by President-Elect Obama in the last three days.  All of them regarded the state of the economy and, essentially, introduced his economic team and a more aggressive approach to finding solutions to our country's economic problems.

It's just so lovely having our country's future president talking to everyone on a regular basis.  It's clear to me he is trying to fill the void in leadership left by the current President.

One of the members of the press just asked a three-part question challenging Obama's choices of Cabinet members, trying to find out why more of his selections are not "outside of Washington".  I can try to summarize the answer Obama thought out and cobbled together, but I'll answer by putting myself in Obama's shoes.  If I had a background in constitutional law and community organizing, I would not hesitate in bringing in people to my administration that had both new economic ideas and a vast wealth of prior "Washington insider" economic experience.  
Then, I would stand back a little and see what the two groups come up with on the way of suggestions.  Ultimately, the decision on how best to proceed would be mine and would be open to suggestions from communications experts on how best to reach out to the rest of the company/department (in Obama's case, the rest of the country).  OK, I probably would just write up some notes and talk to my department or company, but I've never been in management of a company with 300,000,000 "employees".  That would be enough of a challenge for me to first run ideas by communications experts.

So, what's next? Well, more Cabinet announcements on Monday.  Until then, plenty of things going on with me to fill in several more posts. More to come!

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